Finding small cockroaches could be a sign of a severe infestation. This pest prefers dark, damp areas with an easily accessible food source, which leaves most homes and businesses at risk. Baby roaches are a solid indicator that these insects have made your house or workplace their breeding ground.
How Big Are Baby Cockroaches?
Females can lay up to 48 eggs at a time, which can result in rapidly expanding populations. The mother will either carry the egg sac or deposit it in a protected spot. Baby cockroaches, or nymphs, hatch after about 28 days. This pest goes through several molting stages, growing larger with each one. A baby roach reaches maturity in two months.
What Does a Baby Cockroach Look Like?
Baby cockroaches vary in size based on where they are in their life cycle. Similar to adults, they range from light to dark brown, but each species has distinctive markings. For example, German cockroaches have two stripes from their head to between the wings, while brown-banded roaches have two bright lines across their abdomen.
Can Baby Cockroaches Fly?
Nymphs cannot fly because their wings do not fully develop until the baby roach becomes an adult. However, they can still move quickly when they need to. Baby cockroaches will jump and scurry away from light sources, squeeze their bodies through narrow openings, and hide in tight, hard-to-reach spaces.
What Does It Mean if I Have Baby Cockroaches?
Kitchens and bathrooms in homes, restaurants, hotels, or offices provide the perfect environment for these pests to live and breed. If you see small cockroaches, you probably have an infestation on your hands. To safely and efficiently remove baby cockroaches, contact the experts at Western Pest Services.