Pest Control & Exterminator Services
in the Lehigh Valley

Keeping pest out of homes and businesses since 1928.

Pest Control in Pennsylvania

Residential & Commercial Services
(267) 427-5127

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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(267) 427-5127
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We provide the Lehigh Valley with top-notch pest control.

We provide the Lehigh Valley with top-notch pest control. Located one hour north of Philadelphia and 90 minutes west of New York City, the Lehigh Valley is the 69th largest metropolitan region in the United States. Its long-standing history, combined with its tremendous business growth, brings with it its own unique set of pest issues.

As one of the fastest-growing regions in Pennsylvania, the more people and businesses that find their way to this extremely attractive and popular area to live and set up shop, the more pests will be attracted to the area. Your home and business deserve a pest control company that has the experience and the expertise to deal with the most common pests that can plague the Lehigh Valley.

Homeowners and business owners in Pennsylvania both need a pest control company that understand the pests in the area, the area itself, and the pest treatments that will get rid of ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, and any other pest that may be bugging you. Whether you’re in Allentown or Easton or anywhere in between, Western can help because we are the trusted pest exterminator near you.

Let Western Help with Pest Control in the Lehigh Valley
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Q&A With Our Branch Manager in the Lehigh Valley

Q: What are the most common pest issues that home and business owners face in the Lehigh Valley area?

A: Mice, roaches, bees, wasps, and, of course, the infamous Spotted Lanternfly.

Q: How do the seasons affect pest activity around the Lehigh Valley?

A: In the fall and winter, we always see an increase in mouse activity. So, it’s important to be ready for that. In summer, especially late summer, there will be an increase in the Spotted Lanternfly as well as bees and wasps – all stinging pests, really! And, of course, those annoying mosquitoes!

Q: What are some common signs of pest activity around homes and commercial properties?

A: Bees and wasps buzzing around is certainly an indication. Seeing mouse droppings can be a sign of serious rodent activity in your home or business.

Q: When should property owners in the Lehigh Valley call Western Pest Services?

A: I’d say as soon as you notice any sort of pest activity, but, really, taking a proactive approach is always best. So, call today!

Q: Anything else to add?

A: A relatively new species to the area, the spotted lanternfly is also a problem around here. They will fly right into your head and can wreak havoc on local trees and plants. We can deal with them at every stage of life so don’t wait with this one.