All the boxelder bug information you need in one handy spot.
While they are considered to be an outdoor pest, they are able to infest homes as the result of their need for shelter to overwinter. Your house is warm and dry, so it’s attractive. If you find they’re coming in one spot in particular, have the gaps and cracks sealed by a professional.
Boxelder bugs are nuisance pests. They do not sting or transmit disease, and are generally not known to bite, though there are rare reports of defensive biting. Boxelder bugs are not known to cause damage to homes or significant damage to plants. However, their feces can stain light colored surfaces.
We would advise against crushing boxelder bugs. Not only will they emit a stinky smell, their crushed bodies can leave stains on walls, floors, and even fabric. You’re better off vacuuming them up and tossing the bag.
Boxelder bugs eat by sucking the juices out of plants. In particular, they feed upon the juice contained in the seeds of boxelder trees and other trees in the maple family. Even in large numbers, boxelder bugs seem to do little damage to these trees.
Unfortunately, boxelder bugs are bad every year! They can easily slip into your home through the thinnest of cracks and crevices. They can even be brought in inadvertently by you – on a bag or package, etc. But bad is a relative term. You don’t want them in your house (bad) but they’re harmless (not as bad!).
Dogs and cats tend to like to sample ants and other pests. They have a refined palate like that. But don’t fear! Boxelder bugs put out a terrible smell when they are in danger. That smell usually encourages your pet to move on to something else. Even if they do ingest a boxelder bug, they will probably throw it up.
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“These guys came by did their jobs and seemed like good guys. No more ants running around.”