All the earwig information you need in one handy spot.
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Redeem OfferWhile their name “earwig” originated from an ancient superstition that earwigs burrow through the external auditory canal and eat sleeping persons’ brains, this superstition turned out to be unfounded. Earwigs CAN enter the ear, but they don’t necessarily seek it out!
Earwigs range in size from ¼-1 inch long. They have elongated, flattened bodies that vary in color from pale brown with dark markings to reddish brown to black. Earwigs have six legs and threadlike antenna that measures about half of their body length.
If threatened, an earwig could bite, but this isn’t likely to happen. They aren’t venomous, and an earwig bite can’t cause substantial damage. Earwigs prefer to attack with their pinchers. They won’t hurt you unless threatened.
Earwigs usually spend their days hiding while feeding on leaves, flowers, fruits, mold, and insects at night. During the day, most earwig species tend to seek out cold, wet areas that are left undisturbed, such as small, moist crevices. They can be found living together outdoors in large numbers, usually congregating under piles of lawn debris or mulch or in tree holes.
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“These guys came by did their jobs and seemed like good guys. No more ants running around.”