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Bed Bug Tips for Nurses

What Nurses Want to Know about Bed Bugs

Nurses interact with a broad range of people, and there is always a risk that a patient will show up with bed bugs in tow. As you know, bed bugs can affect anyone, and you never know when one might hitch a ride in an ambulance or patient bag.

Picture of Bed Bug

To assist its healthcare pest control clients, Western has conducted a number of educational presentations to hospital staff to help them understand the risks and realities of bed bugs.

“The one thing nurses always ask is how not to bring bed bugs home,” shares our Board-Certified Entomologist.

“I always reassure them that I’ve been lots of places with bed bugs and have never brought them home.”

“Nurses show a good level of tolerance, but want to know all of the bed bug precautions,” she says.

During presentations, our entomologist covers bed bug biology and behaviors, and offers some tips:

  • Beds: Never lean against beds.
  • Sofas: Don’t sit on patient sofas.
  • Personal Items: Avoid bringing bags or other personal items into patient rooms.
  • Launder: Wash scrubs immediately upon arrival home.

Contact us today if you’d like a presentation or you need help with bed bugs. 

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