What Is a Field Mouse?
A field mouse refers to any species commonly found outdoors. Several rodents such as deer mice, white-footed mice, and a vole species known as meadow mice belong in this category. Typically larger than house mice, these pests range from five to eight inches in length. Most field mice have tawny fur with white underbellies.
What Do Field Mouse Droppings Look Like?
Deer mouse and white-footed mouse droppings is roughly the size of a grain of rice and tapered at both ends. In contrast, Norway rat feces appear as blunt-ended, raisin-sized pellets. Fresh droppings are usually dark brown and shiny, while older field mice poop has a dull, gray appearance.
The Dangers of Field Mouse Droppings
Hantavirus in mouse droppings is a serious concern when field mice invade homes and outbuildings. Both deer and white-footed mice can spread the virus. When people sweep or dust inside infested areas, they can stir up particles of field mouse poop, urine, and saliva. Inhaling these airborne microbes is the most common means of hantavirus transmission.
While field mice tend to avoid residential areas, cold winters and food scarcity will drive them indoors. Properties with infrequent visitors, like warehouses, storage units, hunting cabins, vacation homes, and hiking shelters, are prime targets. Discovering field mice droppings, nests lined with shredded fabric or paper, and caches of nuts and seeds indicates a problem.
Field Mouse Prevention
To deter field mice and other rodents, repair holes in foundations and fix broken screens or doors. If you’re concerned about field mouse droppings inside your home or commercial property, contact the professionals at Western Pest Services.